September 27, 2022

RPL Board Declares Preferences

The RPL Board of Directors passed a motion at its Sept 27 meeting to declare their preference for the future of the Central Library. The Needs Assessment and Project Plan, which used the collective work of many other reports, meetings, and consultations on library space and function, as well as new information, concluded that the best way for Central Library to meet project outcomes and balance functional needs with value for money was to build a new Central Library. The Board motion also included a preference for the new Central Library to be built at the current historic site.

Setting the Board’s preferred direction was a result of the work undertaken to address the renewal of the Central Library. While much of this work pre-dated the Catalyst Committee, the decision is very much aligned with the work of that Committee. The decision will also ensure that the public is better informed when providing feedback through the Committee’s engagement process.


The Catalyst Committee

Regina City Council has approved a Catalyst Committee, co-chaired by Tim Reid (CEO, REAL) and Councillor Bob Hawkins, to consult with the public and work to harmonize several key infrastructure projects in Regina. The Committee will consider locations of these buildings, connectivity and transit, synergies for usage, and most importantly, what Reginans think about each project and about this method for revitalizing the city. Board Member Cindy Kobayashi is a member of the Catalyst Committee.


Next Steps and Approvals

Funding decisions for RPL are made by City Council – this includes funding a new Central Library. Council is also the decision-making body for changes to municipal heritage buildings within the Victoria Park Heritage Conservation District, an area determined by a Regina city bylaw. For these reasons, City Council will have the ultimate decision on making this vision for Central Library a reality.

RPL will participate in the Catalyst Committee and the Committee will conduct extensive public consultation on all infrastructure projects it has been mandated to consider. The Committee will provide a recommendation to City Council by January 2023. The Board is currently preparing for the consultation process and looks forward to the recommendation produced by the Catalyst Committee’s findings.